Well, here we are in a small motel room in Williams, Arizona. There's a thunder storm brewing outside and we're drying off before we go to dinner. I love the sound of rain and the rumbling of the thunder is making my stomach growl (starving). Naomi and I have decided to make a pit stop at the Grand Canyon tomorrow before heading down to Nogales, where we're going to be crossing the border. Can't wait to show you all pictures of the Grand Canyon. A quick shout out to the Santa Barbara crew for sending us off in style (Leo, Wendy, Elizabeth, Brian, Aprill and Kelly).
This has been an incredible day... we woke up in a fabulous house in Santa Barbara after a very beautiful wedding (Congratulations Aprill and Kelly!) and a relaxing and much needed vacation. We drove (thanks Leo & Wendy for driving!) down PCH and saw dolphins ... had a final trip to Trader Joe's and then headed east through scorching desert, crossed the Colorado River and suddenly we were at 5000 feet watching lightning, storm clouds, lovely horizontal light and double rainbows over green mountains. Now we're on historic Route 66. Tomorrow... sunrise over the Grand Canyon?
Hey Guys,
Candace and I had a great time hanging out with you @ Paul's place in San Diego. I wish we could do that more often. Anyhow, thanks so much for the blog invite and I've gotchya bookmarked. Take care and best of luck in MX!!!
Ryan :)
I LOVE that you're blogging this experience to share it with us! Just want you to know that we couldn't have had a better time in SB. Brian already has a reunion party planned when you return. Love you guys!
Dios te bendiga.
Jose and Naomi,
Best of luck in Mexico Lindo :). Es una experiencia unica. Post a lot of pictures and enjoy this wonderful journey(a once in a life time experiencie).
Que Dios los bendiga y los acompane siempre.
Come on, guys, get serious, I almost spit out my Trix when I saw this! This ain't Mexico! You're not even close! If this is Mexico, I'm Lyle Lovett's love child!
Hey you two,
Great pictures. I'm very happy for the two of you. Sorry I missed you guys when you were in NY.I'm looking forward to seeing more of your road trip. Best of luck on your adventure. Take care and hope to here from the two of you soon.
Love Olga
Hi Guys,
Thank you for sharing your adventures to Mexico and beyond. I’m looking forward to all the great pictures, stories and more. I’m especially excited about living vicariously through your adventures, while I journey through the urban jungles of Manhattan.
Thinking of you both,
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